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Are Upper Chakras preferable to the Lower Chakras?

When Spirituality Ignores the Body: Healing the Divide Within


Somewhere along the way, we have been taught to be at war with ourselves.


In the name of goodness, enlightenment, spirituality, and morality, we were taught to look up—to seek God, ascension, purity, and light—while denying the needs of the body. Religions reduce Earthly pleasures as sinful, while some sects of Yogis deem them as distractions to be avoided.


We were told that to be “good,” we must hide or transcend our innate needs.


And so we learned to split ourselves in two.


One part of us—our upper chakras, our ideals, our dreams, and our spirituality—was deemed noble, worthy, and divine. The other part—our lower chakras, our instincts, our needs, and our earthly existence—was shamed, hidden, and silenced.


Unfortunately New Age spirituality, for all its beauty, often mirrors what religion has taught for centuries: that the body is...

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Rediscovering Contentment in a World of Expectations


Rediscovering Contentment in a World of Expectations

Have you ever looked at your life and thought, “I did everything I was supposed to, so why don’t I feel happy?” Or maybe you are wondering if you missed out on life and its milestones because you made different life choices.
Maybe there’s a whisper in the back of your mind that says something’s missing....
You’re not alone.
From the moment we’re born, we’re handed a script for life: study hard, get a good job, settle down, start a family, climb the career ladder. For many, this roadmap feels like a safety net, a guarantee that if you follow the steps, you’ll find fulfillment.
But for others, it can feel like a trap—one that keeps you running in circles without ever finding the contentment you crave.

The Illusion of the Sociocultural Template

Let’s get real: how many of us have taken detours just to fit into a mold we didn’t even create?
Maybe you...
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11 Signs that Indicate Lack of Self Love

We often say we love ourselves, but our choices can tell a different story. Many of my clients and students cite their 'self-care' routines—manicures, social outings, hikes, and massages as signs of self love.
But my dears, self-care does not necessarily equate to self-love.
Self-love is found in the quiet, often overlooked moments. It's about valuing our intuition, honoring our body's need for rest, offering ourselves comfort and encouragement. Self love means letting go of tendencies based in perfection, over giving and self sabotage.
Self-love is a learned behavior, and unfortunately, so is the lack of it.
If your childhood was marked by unpredictability, chaos, criticism, or abuse, you might have learned to hide your true self. You may have absorbed the belief that your needs, interests, and goals are unimportant, and that you are unworthy of love and appreciation.
If you grew up witnessing adults who lacked self love themselves and expressed their frustrations...
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From a Worrier to a Warrior

When you get bombarded with challenges or blocks, two simultaneous pathways are opened to you
  1. The Ego screaming: "Why is this happening to me?"
  2. The Soul rejoicing : "Where is this leading me?"
The first lens identifies you as a victim of life.
The second lens identifies you as an embracer of life.
The problem is that  we react to the loud screams of the Ego before we even allow ourselves to hear the ecstatic "Whops" of the soul. We hold our breath instinctually and we dig our heels in resistance.
The Cosmos that is coursing through your body as your life force, knows what it is doing.
It is not presenting the challenges so it may break you!
With each block or challenge you face, you are being asked to build a particular strength that will become the key to unlock the next stage of your life.
What stands between you and that next super power:
Resistance and the fear of unknown.
Is it not?
I know because I have encountered it a zillion...
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Nurture the roots and flowers will blossom

 I recently stumbled upon a captivating excerpt from Mao Zedong's memoir that struck a chord deep within me. It's a tale of a beautiful garden, a mother's love, and the hidden wisdom that lies beneath the surface. As I delved into this story, I found myself reflecting on the profound lessons it holds for our own lives.

Mao Zedong, reminiscing about his childhood, shares a story about a mesmerizing garden near his mother's hut. This garden, a source of immense delight and pride for his mother, attracted visitors from near and far who marveled at its beauty. Yet, when illness struck his mother, the once-vibrant garden began to wither away, mirroring her declining health.

Moved by his mother's distress, Mao selflessly offered to care for the garden while she recovered. Day after day, he toiled from dawn to dusk, pouring his heart into the plants. However, when his mother finally emerged from her recovery, she was met with a heart-wrenching sight – the garden, once a symbol...

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Fear makes you a Beggar

If you pay close attention to Nature, you will find that the means to fulfill the needs are always provided before the need arises.
The water to quench thirst was provided before thirst was ever felt!
The Food for each species was created before that species arrived!
Oxygen for animals and carbon dioxide for plants showed up before we could take our first breath!
What is that incomprehensible force that makes the resources available before the need?
What makes a bird single pointedly devote all its energy, to making a nest before laying eggs?
What supplements a mother's breast with milk as soon as the baby is born?
If you get to know that force, you will realize that you have been erroneously walking through this life, feeling scared and acting small !!!
Fear makes us a beggar
If you subscribe to it, you will feel and act as a beggar. It takes over your thoughts and actions. You start to hustle and hassle, always feeling inadequate and...
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Born of Grace, Bound by Gravity

In the intricate tapestry of our human experience, two invisible forces weave their way through our existence: Gravity and Grace. These forces, although unseen by our eyes, shape every aspect of our lives, molding our perceptions, choices, and actions. As we journey through life, understanding the delicate balance between these forces becomes the key to unlocking our fullest potential and embracing the richness of our existence.

From the moment we enter this world, we are embraced by the gift of grace. Our birth is a testament to the pure benevolence of life, an act of grace that brings us into existence. Yet, as we find ourselves in this world, we encounter the compelling force of gravity, which draws our souls toward earthly experiences.

Imagine our lives as a symphony, with grace as the melody that ushers us into being and gravity as the rhythm that grounds our journey. The symphony is incomplete without the harmonious interplay of these two forces.

Grace Within the Gravity


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Creating a Ritual for opening and closing your meditation sessions

Create a Ritual for opening and closing your meditation sessions:
Opening Rituals:
  1. Centering Breath: Begin your meditation with a few slow, deep breaths to center yourself. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a moment, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This simple breath ritual helps calm the mind and prepare you for meditation.
  2. Gratitude Practice: Take a moment to express gratitude for the opportunity to meditate. Reflect on the blessings in your life, the support you receive, or simply the gift of this present moment. You can say a silent thank you or journal a few things you're grateful for.
  3. Candle Lighting: If you have a candle in your meditation space, lighting it can symbolize the illumination of your inner wisdom. As you light the candle, silently set an intention for your meditation practice.
  4. Chime or Bell: Use a meditation chime or bell to mark the beginning of your session. Listen to the sound as it resonates and gradually fades away. This...
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Chakras Impact Every Aspect of Our Lives


The silent power of chakras shapes our reality. These energy centers are where our innermost fears, boldest aspirations, and everything in between, lie. Understanding the chakras and their influence allows us to navigate life with greater awareness and intention.

At the heart of this influence is the flow of pranic energy, the vital life force that moves through our chakras. When pranic energy flows freely and harmoniously through our chakras, we experience a state of balance and well-being. Conversely, blockages or imbalances in this flow can lead to physical, emotional, and psychological challenges.

Here are some examples of what you may experience when your chakras are balanced:

  • Interactions with Loved Ones: A balanced heart chakra fosters love, compassion, and empathy, enhancing our relationships with family and friends.

  • Choices at Work: A strong solar plexus chakra boosts confidence and decisiveness, aiding us in making effective career choices and achieving our...

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Difference Between Eastern and Western Psychology


In the realm of yogic psychology, understanding the human experience involves a journey beyond the physical anatomy. One of the most fascinating aspects of this exploration is the study of chakras, the energy centers that form an integral part of our subtle anatomy. Chakras, often described as spinning wheels of energy, play a crucial role in shaping our reality. They act as the hidden architects of our lives, influencing our conscious, subconscious, and unconscious thoughts, feelings, and expressions.

There are seven main chakras, each associated with different aspects of our being. Each chakra is a vortex of energy that needs to be balanced and aligned to ensure our overall well-being. When these energy centers are out of balance, we may experience physical, emotional, or psychological issues.

Chakras are not merely metaphysical concepts; they have a profound impact on our everyday lives.

They are the directors behind the scenes, shaping our life’s drama. Kundalini...

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